Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds Dexter Studios, ZEN, Film, 2017Mandak18 February 2018Korean movie, Gobi, Aerial video
Sacred Space: Where Heaven Meets Earth ZED, Documentary, 2017Mandak18 February 2018Kharkhorin, Erdene zuu monastry, Gandan Monastry
Left for Dead - Ed Stafford Discovery Channel, Betty Production, 2017Mandak18 February 2018adventure, survival, Altai mountain
“Wanli” M/V for Hyukoh GDW, Hyukoh, Music video, 2017Mandak18 February 2018Korean, band, indie rock, m/v
Joel & Nish Vs The World Comedy Central UK, TV series, 2017Mandak18 February 2018cold, Wrestling, terelj, Comedy, comedians
Mongolian Women's Soccer Trans World Sport, TV, 2017Mandak18 February 2018Football, soccer, Khujirt, Uvurkhangai, girls, winter, Traditional sport Mongolia